Friday, January 30, 2009

Tests on Essential Oils and their efficiency....

I'm not suprised I found this article floating around the internet.........
most people that don't know anything about essential oils just assume everything they read is true.

Labs have done testing on essential oils......but what KIND of essential oils and were they therapeutic grade? or Medicinal Grade???, I think not.........

read on for more interesting info:

I just read an article at MSNBC about aromatherapy on lemon, and lavender essential oils. The article reads… “Here’s some unsettling news for anyone who ever sniffed a scented candle, essential oil or pricey pillow spray, hoping for healing or another kind of physical boost… It doesn’t work.”

I’m not at all surprised!

The study used “perfume grade” essential oils - which could be anything from chemical made scents to essential oils whose molecules are fractured - rendering them completely useless from a wellness stand point.

They also reported that the “smelling” of lavender didn’t help with pain - hmmm, I’ve never known any grade of lavender to work on any type of pain (other than some types of itchiness), nor have I known smelling lavender to relieve pain.

Here’s what they said:
“One of the most comprehensive investigations done to date on aromatherapy failed to show any improvement in either immune status, wound healing or pain control among people exposed to two often-touted scents.” [they're referring to lavender and lemon essential oils being inhaled.] Read more if you like…

This report confirms three things:

1.) the quality of the essential oil DOES make a huge difference (they simply proved the novelty aromatherapy products do NOT work)

2.) they were testing for affects that neither lavender or lemon essential oils are known to have

3.) “smelling” an essential oil won’t boost your immune system or ease pain

Other things I’ve come across…

A couple years ago a friend was doing some research looking for studies on essential oils. He came across one scientific study that was trying to prove if essential oils did in fact work at all. Interestingly, the study also included their distillation method - they took “dried herbs” (God only knows how old they were) and distilled them with solvents for their scientific study on essential oil efficacy (I have to give them credit for adding that tid-bit of very important information!)

Low and behold, they proved that essential oils did “not” work - imagine that!

The reality:

The study proved that essential oils distilled from dried herbs have no healing properties.

Buyer beware, there are essential oils on the market distilled the same way, yup and they are dirt cheap!


a dried herb literally loses 90 - 95% of its essential oil during the drying process. You know when you harvest some fresh herbs and hang them to dry, how the room smells really good???

Well, what you’re smelling is 90 - 95% of the essential oil going into the air! Essential oils are volatile, meaning they evaporate. A dried plant has lost most of its essential oil, the beneficial/healing part - the “green” part is not the part that has the benefits, it’s the essential oil part.

This is also the reason “why” herbal remedies take so long to work, you need to keep taking them until your body gets enough of the essential oil, that is left in the dried herb, before it makes much difference.

I began using herbal remedies when I was young, and herbal preparations have been a huge part of my life for well over 20 years. I love herbs, plants and essential oils, and still use them… but not when I need relief! When I need relief I always turn to my medicinal-grade or therapeutic-grade essential oils. . In this day and age, there aren't many of those to be had, besides, Young Living Oils, Bella Mira, Mountain Rose, and a few others in my list of suppliers.

..........Anyway, those in the lab doing their study should have been here last summer when I got stung by a White-face Hornet on the side of my ring finger! My finger swelled up so fast, the pain was so bad, and within 2 minutes I couldn’t even bend my finger - the joints froze!

I came inside and put some of my Young Living lavender essential oil directly on the sting. It kept getting worse = lavender doesn’t work well for hornet stings! It got so much worse, I couldn’t even bend the finger with my other hand - it was as if it were frozen solid! That was scary!

I’ve been using essential oils for 20 years, and Young Living oils for 8 years - I know that if I do not see relief within minutes that it’s not the right oil.

So, I stood there looking into my case of 100 or more oils, wondering which one I should try next. I couldn’t make up my mind and finally said, “ugh, I’ll just use this one, my finger is killing meee!!!”

I picked up my bottle of Thieves essential oil and poured some drops onto the area of the sting and within 10 seconds I felt relief, the pain was gone, within 30 seconds the swelling went completely away and back to normal, and within 60 seconds I could bend my finger like normal!

Hmmm, placebo effect? My mind-power has never been known before to be that powerful, so… I don’t think so!

That same bottle of Thieves essential oil keeps my home mold-free, germ-free, and I’ve even used Thieves essential oil when I got 4 deep puncture wounds when a Husky bit me two years ago (no bleeding, no puss, no infection, and no trip to the emergency room either).

They can keep their inferior oil studies, drugs, and sugar pills… I’m sticking with my Young Living essential oils!

I’m laughing as I type this post, thinking… “well, if some want to believe that therapeutic-grade essential oils don’t work… that’s their loss, not mine!”

I’m sure if I simply “smelled” my Thieves essential oil, rather than directly apply it to the stung area, or apply it to the four puncture wounds, I wouldn’t have seen any relief whatsoever! Duh!

This study, and others like it, are so ridiculous… I can hardly believe I’m even writing about it.

What’s scary, someone actually paid these people to do this “comprehensive” study! No offense intended, but you’ve gotta admit, it is quite ridiculous.

I guess the only point I’m trying to make is this… people who don’t have a background in essential oils, would read something like that article and study, and chose not to use essential oils. Or worse yet, think that it doesn’t matter which brand of essential oils they buy because all they do is smell nice, they don’t actually provide any benefits. How unfortunate.

I truly hope you find the time to study the amazing uses of the hundreds of therapeutic grade essential oils and all their wonderful uses......they are truly a gift from GOD......


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