I' m a part of a yahoo group called Natural Perfumery and saw this post today for a newbie and thought this would really be beneficial for those who are interested in the wonders of natural botanicals and creating scent blends with them...
The Scent Trail by Celia Lyttelton
Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin- Arctander ( This book is wicked pricey)
The Art of Perfumery by Septimus Piesse
The Rogue Perfumer by Dr. Bobbie Kelley ( This is a book by the perfumer of Paragon Perfumes, not entirely natural)
The Secret of Scent (science and history of smell) by Luca Turin
375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols by Jeanne Rose
Links/Info sites
http://bojensen. net/ one of my fav sites, it goes into the chemical makeup of different botanical ingredients
http://hausofwaft. com/generalized- aromatics- and-ingredients- list/ a very basic list of things used in aromatics
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=VJuR9dmRH5Y Boris the Perfumer ( Wonderful late perfumer Alec Lawless)
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=KwVcFczU6i4
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=BUj6jpnXh3I& feature=relmfu Alec Lawless on the Adulteration of essential oils, this is a 3 part interview
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=jbRFmIx3Vpo& feature=channel& list=UL This a BBC documentary on perfume, I think its in about10 parts,very interesting.
Thanks for sharing these useful information!
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